Tag Archives: Equation

Solve for X

I wonder if the “ten second tidy” on Big Comfy Couch is really a good idea.  I mean, Ivy likes it, and is starting to go through her cleaning phase.  We hear lots of “Clean up, Clean up, Clean up, Clean up” when we remind her she’s made a mess.

However, Loonette the clown seems to believe that tucking everything back into the couch is a good version of a tidy. (I beg to differ)

Combine that with Ivy’s new interest in television, and interaction (Go, Diego, Go and Hi-5 are her current favourites) and you get a formula like the following:

TST+Ivy(TV + Interest x Copying+ Interacting)/Couch = X

Solve for X where TST = Ten Second Tidy

I think the only thing we’re going to get out of this is a couch full of treasures.